The Ultimate Guide to Roman Deity Crossword Clues Based on Letter Count!




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Roman Gods/Goddesses Crossword Clues by letters

When delving into the world of crosswords, one can often find oneself stumped by clues hinting at ancient deities. The pantheon of Roman gods, vast and varied, has frequently found its way into the intricate grids of crossword puzzles.

Whether you’re a seasoned solver or a newbie navigating the classics, this section offers a curated list of Roman gods, organized by the length of their names.

No longer will you be left pondering that three-letter space hinting at the Sun god or the five-letter goddess of peace. Dive in, and let the names of these divine beings illuminate your crossword journey!

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 13+ letters

Stuck on a crossword clue about a Roman deity with 13 or more letters? Below you’ll find a comprehensive list of all Roman gods with 13+ letters in their name.

Gods/GoddessLettersRoleAlternative spellings
Prorsa Postverta16Goddess associated with childbirth and the past; one of the two Carmentes.Also Postverta
Diana Nemorensis16Local Roman version of Diana, equivalent to the Greek goddess Artemis.
Mutunus Tutunus15Deity represented in a phallic form.
Hermaphroditus14Greek-origin androgynous god incorporated into Roman literature.
Querquetulanae14Nymphs associated with the oak tree.
Acca Larentia13Goddess with multifaceted significance, celebrated during the Larentalia festival.
Aius Locutius13Divine voice that forewarned Romans about an approaching Gallic threat.
Bonus Eventus13Embodiment of a favorable outcome or success.
Sulis Minerva13Fusion of the Celtic goddess Sul with the Roman goddess Minerva.
Tranquillitas13Deity symbolizing peace and calmness.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 12 letters

Searching for a Roman god with exactly 12 letters for your crossword puzzle? Dive into the list below for all Roman deities with 12 letters in their name.

Gods/GoddessLettersRoleAlternative spellings
Sterquilinus12Deity associated with fertilizer.
Anna Perenna12Goddess representing the yearly cycle, with a festival celebrated in March.
Dea Tertiana12One of the sister goddesses linked to tertian and quartan fevers, related to Dea Febris.
Dea Quartana12Another sister deity associated with tertian and quartan fevers, related to Dea Febris.
Mater Matuta12Goddess of the dawn and childbirth, also a protector of sailors.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 11 letters

Can’t figure out that 11-letter Roman deity crossword clue? Discover all Roman gods with 11 letters in their name right below.

Gods/GoddessLettersRoleAlternative spelling
Terra Mater11Goddess of the earth, similar to the Greek Gaea. Consort to Caelus and mother of the titans.Also Tellus
Aesculapius11Roman counterpart of the Greek god Asclepius, symbolizing health and medicine.
Dea Tacita11Known as “The Silent Goddess”, she represents the deceased. Later, she was identified with the earth goddess Larenta.
Dius Fidius11Deity of oaths, closely linked with Jupiter.
Intercidona11A minor goddess overseeing childbirth, known for warding off evil spirits with a cleaver symbol.
Mana Genita11Goddess overseeing infant mortality.
Providentia11Deity symbolizing forethought and anticipation.
Stata Mater11Goddess safeguarding against fires, occasionally identified with the goddess Vesta.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 10 letters

Looking for a Roman god with a 10-letter name for your crossword? Explore the list below to find every Roman deity with 10 letters.

NameLettersRoleAlternative spelling
Vortumnus10God overseeing the seasons, gardens, and fruit trees.Also Vertumnus
Sterculius10Deity associated with fertilizer (same as Straculius & Struculius).Also Sterquilinus
Straculius10Another name for the fertilizer god.Also Sterquilinus
Struculius10Another name for the fertilizer god.Also Sterquilinus
Di Penates10Gods of the household.Also Penates
Abundantia10Divine embodiment of abundance and prosperity.
Aeternitas10Goddess representing the concept of eternity.
Averruncus10Deity invoked to prevent disasters.
Disciplina10Embodiment of discipline and order.
Necessitas10Goddess of destiny, mirroring the Greek deity Ananke.
Proserpina10Queen of the Underworld and associated with grain; Roman counterpart of the Greek goddess Persephone.
Fecunditas10Personification of fertility and abundance.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 9 letters

Need a hint for a 9-letter Roman god crossword clue? Check out the list below for all Roman gods with 9 letters in their name.

NameLettersRoleAlternative spelling
Vertumnus9God overseeing the seasons, gardens, and fruit trees.Also Vortumnus or Vertimnus
Vertimnus9God associated with the seasons, gardens, and fruit trees.Also Vertumnus
Postverta9Goddess of childbirth and the past, one of the two Carmentes.
Stercutus9Deity linked to fertilizer.Also Sterquilinus
Vagitanus9God who ensures the first cry of a newborn.
Vaticanus9Deity ensuring the first cry of a newborn.Also Vagitanus
Antevorta9Goddess of the future and a Camenae; also called Porrima.
Anthelioi9God associated with facing the sun.
Arimanius9An obscure Mithraic deity.
Carmentes9Twin goddesses of childbirth: Antevorta and Postvorta or Porrima.
Clementia9Goddess symbolizing forgiveness and mercy.
Concordia9Goddess of harmony, understanding, and marital unity.
Discordia9Embodiment of discord, equivalent to the Greek goddess Eris.
Di inferi9Deities of death and the underworld.
Faustitas9Goddess protector of herds and livestock.
Meditrina9Healing goddess, associated with the festival of Meditrinalia.
Pudicitia9Goddess of chastity, equivalent to the Greek Aidôs.
Securitas9Goddess symbolizing the security, particularly of the Roman empire.
Tempestas9Storm goddess, often referred to in plural as Tempestates.
Tiberinus9Deity of the Tiber river.
Vica Pota9Goddess of victory and competitions.
Volturnus9Water deity, had a minor flamen.Not to be confused with Vulturnus
Felicitas9Embodiment of luck and success.
Ferentina9Patron goddess of Ferentinum, protector of the Latin commonwealth.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 8 letters

Struggling with an 8-letter Roman deity crossword clue? Browse the list below to uncover all Roman gods with 8 letters in their name.

NameLettersRoleAlternative Spelling
Penates8Household deities.
Duellona8Goddess of war.Also Bellona
Mephitis8Deity representing poisonous gases and volcanic vapours.Also Mefitis
Mellonia8Deity presiding over bees and the practice of beekeeping.
Tellurus8Male counterpart of the earth goddess Tellus.Also Tellumo
Vediovus8Obscure god, perhaps of the underworld, contrasting with Jupiter.
Aerecura8Goddess likely of Celtic origin, linked with the underworld and Proserpina.
Aequitas8Divine embodiment of fairness and equity.
Angerona8Goddess offering relief from pain and sorrow.
Bona Dea8Goddess of women, fertility, healing, and chastity.
Carmenta8Goddess of childbirth and prophecy, leading the Camenae.
Cloacina8Goddess overseeing the Roman sewer system; associated with Venus.
Dispater8God of wealth and the underworld, similar to Greek Pluto.
Fascinus8Phallic god guarding against envy and the evil eye.
Hercules8God of strength, inspired by the Greek hero Heracles but with Roman attributes.
Justitia8Goddess representing justice.
Juventas8Goddess of youth.
Neverita8Assumed goddess, linked with Consus and Neptune in a zodiac but largely unknown.
Picumnus8Minor god of fertility, agriculture, and family.
Pilumnus8Guardian deity, protector of infants at birth.
Portunus8God of keys, doors, and livestock.
Quirinus8Sabine war god; deified version of Romulus. Part of the Archaic Triad.
Quiritis8Goddess of motherhood; later equated with Juno.
Silvanus8God of woods and forests.
Summanus8God of nighttime thunder.
Talasius8Deity of marriage.
Terminus8Rustic god overseeing boundaries.
Tibertus8God of the Anio river, a Tiber tributary.
Verminus8Deity associated with cattle worms.
Victoria8Goddess symbolizing victory.
Voluptas8Goddess of pleasure.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 7 letters

Puzzled by a 7-letter Roman god crossword hint? Dive in below to find every Roman deity with 7 letters in their name.

NameLettersRoleAlternative Spelling
Bellona7Goddess of war.
Mefitis7Deity associated with poisonous gases and volcanic vapours.
Mellona7Goddess linked with bees and beekeeping.
Tellumo7Male counterpart of earth goddess Tellus.
Veiovis7An obscure deity, possibly anti-Jupiter or linked to the underworld.Also Vediovus
Venilia7Sea goddess, consort to Neptune or Faunus.
Venelia7Sea goddess, partner to Neptune or Faunus.Also Venilia
Robigus7Deity of grain disease and protector of crops.Also Robigo
Alernus7An archaic deity connected to a sacred grove near the Tiber river, possibly chthonic.Also Elernus or Helernus
Angitia7Goddess connected to snakes and the legend of Medea.
Bacchus7God of wine, pleasure, and truth, equivalent to Greek Dionysus.
Camenae7Deities of water, prophecy, and childbirth; namely Carmenta, Egeria, Antevorta, and Postvorta.
Dea Dia7Goddess symbolizing growth.
Empanda7Goddess whose temple aided the needy.Also Panda
Falacer7An obscure deity with a minor flamen.
Gratiae7Roman version of the Graces or Charites.
Indiges7The deified Aeneas.
Invidia7Goddess of envy and mischief.
Jupiter7King of the gods, associated with storms, sky, and lightning; Roman counterpart to Greek Zeus.
Juturna7Goddess of springs, fountains, and wells.
Mercury7Messenger god and guide to the underworld; Roman version of Greek Hermes.
Minerva7Goddess of wisdom, war, arts, and industries; Roman version of Greek Athena.
Mithras7God popular with soldiers within the Roman empire.
Nemesis7Goddess of revenge, related to the Imperial deity of retribution.
Neptune7God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses; Roman counterpart to Greek Poseidon.
Palatua7Obscure goddess who watched over the Palatine Hill.
Porrima7Goddess of the future; also known as Antevorta.
Priapus7Phallic guardian god of gardens.
Salacia7Goddess of seawater, Neptune’s consort.
Soranus7God later merged with Apollo as Apollo Soranus, possibly linked to the underworld.
Suadela7Goddess of persuasion, equivalent to Greek Peitho.
Veritas7Goddess embodying truth.
Virbius7A forest god, the reborn Hippolytus.
Februus7Etruscan-origin god of purification for whom February was named.
Feronia7Goddess linked with wilderness, plebeians, liberty, and the underworld.
Fortuna7Goddess symbolizing fortune.
Fufluns7God of wine, growth, and health, adopted from Etruscan belief.
Fulgora7Embodiment of lightning.
Furrina7Obscure goddess of significant enough importance to have a flamen in archaic times.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 6 letters

Need a boost for that 6-letter Roman god crossword clue? Explore the list below to discover all Roman gods with 6 letters.

NameLettersRoleAlternative Spelling
Tellus6Earth goddess; Greek counterpart is Gaea, titan mother and consort to Caelus (Uranus).
Robigo6Deity linked to grain disease and crop protection.
Murcia6Goddess related to myrtle or laziness; later seen as Venus Murcia.
Annona6Embodiment of Rome’s grain supply.
Apollo6God of poetry, music, and oracles; a Dii Consentes member.
Aurora6Goddess of dawn.
Bubona6Goddess linked to cattle.
Caelus6Pre-Jupiter sky god.
Cardea6Goddess of hinges; identified with Carna by Ovid.
Consus6Chthonic god overseeing grain storage.
Cybele6Tutelary goddess, often paired with Magna Mater.
Decima6Fate goddess, measurer of life’s thread; Greek counterpart is Lachesis.
Devera6Goddess of temple purification, aiding midwives and laboring women.Also Deverra
Egeria6Water nymph/goddess; later seen as one of the Camenae.
Faunus6God of flocks.
Febris6Goddess with power over fevers and malaria; accompanied by Dea Tertiana and Dea Quartana.
Genius6Individual’s guardian spirit or divinity.
Mantus6Etruscan god of the dead, ruler of the underworld.
Moneta6Memory goddess; Greek counterpart is Mnemosyne. Also an epithet for Juno.
Naenia6Goddess of funerary laments.
Nascio6Personification of birth.
Nortia6Etruscan-origin goddess of fate, destiny, and chance.
Parcae6The three fates.
Pietas6Duty goddess; embodies the Roman virtue of pietas.
Pomona6Goddess of fruit trees and gardens.
Rumina6Protecting goddess of breastfeeding mothers.
Sancus6God of loyalty, honesty, and oaths.
Saturn6Titan god of harvest; father to major deities like Jupiter.
Scotus6Darkness god, part of Di inferi; associated with the primordial deity Erebos.
Somnus6Sleep god; Greek equivalent is Hypnos.
Trivia6Crossroads and magic goddess, likened to Hecate.
Vacuna6Ancient goddess of rest, warfare, and post-harvest periods.
Viduus6Deity separating the soul from the body post-death.
Virtus6Deity of military strength, embodying the Roman virtue of virtus.
Vulcan6God of the forge, fire, and blacksmiths; husband to Venus.
Fornax6Goddess conceived for the Fornacalia, or “Oven Festival.”
Fontus6God of springs and wells.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 5 letters

Can’t crack that 5-letter Roman deity crossword puzzle? Check out the list below for all Roman gods with 5 letters in their name.

NameLettersRoleAlternative Spelling
Murtia6Goddess related to myrtle or laziness, later seen as Venus Murcia.Also Murcia
Cacus5Originally a fire god, later seen as a giant.
Carna5Goddess safeguarding internal organ health, especially the heart.
Ceres5Harvest goddess and mother of Proserpina; Roman equivalent of Greek Demeter.
Cupid5Love god; son of Venus and equivalent to Greek Eros.
Diana5Hunt, moon, virginity, and childbirth goddess; Apollo’s twin and a Dii Consentes member.
Epona5Gallo-Roman horse and horsemanship goddess; likely of Celtic origin.
Fauna5Prophecy goddess or another goddess title such as Maia.
Honos5Embodiment of honor.
Inuus5Fertility and intercourse god; protector of livestock.
Janus5Beginnings, endings, and doors god with two faces.
Manes5Deceased souls regarded as household deities.
Mania5Consort of underworld god Mantus; perhaps Mater Larum. Not the Greek Maniae.
Molae5Likely grain grinding goddesses and daughters of Mars.
Morta5Death goddess; cuts life’s thread. Greek counterpart is Atropos.
Nerio5Ancient war and valor goddess; Mars’ consort.
Orcus5Underworld god and oath breaker punisher.
Pales5Deity of livestock, shepherds, and flocks.
Panda5Refer to Empanda.
Picus5Italic woodpecker god with oracular abilities.
Pluto5Ruler of the dead, name popularized by Greek mystery religions; equated with Dis pater or Orcus.
Poena5Punishment goddess.
Salus5Public welfare goddess of the Romans; equated with Greek Hygieia.
Venti5Wind deities, equivalent to Greek Anemoi.
Venus5Love, beauty, sexuality, and garden goddess; mother to hero Aeneas and a Dii Consentes member.
Vesta5Hearth, Roman state, and sacred fire goddess; a Dii Consentes member.
Fides5Loyalty personification.
Flora5Flower goddess.

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 4 letters

Stumped by a 4-letter Roman god crossword hint? Dive into the list below to uncover every Roman deity with 4 letters.

NameLettersRoleAlternative Spelling
Aion4Hellenistic god of cyclical or unbounded time, tied to the notions of aevum or saeculum.Also Aeon
Mena4Goddess of fertility and menstruation.Also Mene
Opis4Goddess of abundance or resources.Also Ops
Acis4God of the Acis River in Sicily.
Aura4Often seen in plural as Aurae, represents “The Breezes”.
Caca4Early fire goddess, considered a “proto-Vesta”; sister of Cacus.
Cura4Embodiment of concern and care, purportedly crafted humans from clay in one account.
Fama4Goddess of fame and gossip.
Hora4Quirinus’ consort.
Juno4Queen of gods, matrimony goddess, and one of the Dii Consentes. Greek counterpart is Hera.
Mars4War god, father of Rome’s founder Romulus; an Archaic Triad member and one of the Dii Consentes. Greek counterpart is Ares.
Mors4Death’s embodiment, analogous to Greek Thanatos.
Nixi4Alternatively termed di nixi, dii nixi, or Nixae, they are childbirth goddesses.
Nona4Minor deity and a Parcae member (Roman equivalent of the Moirai). She spun the thread of life. Greek counterpart is Clotho.
Roma4Representation of the Roman state.
Sors4Luck god.
Spes4Hope goddess.
Fons4Wells and springs god.Also Fontus

Roman Gods/Goddesses: 3 letters

In a bind with a 3-letter Roman god crossword clue? Browse below to find all Roman gods with just 3 letters in their name.

NameLettersRoleAlternative Spelling
Sol3Sun god.Sometimes Sol Invictus
Ops3Goddess of resources or plenty.
Nox3Goddess of night. Corresponds to Greek Nyx.
Pax3Goddess of peace. Greek counterpart is Eirene.

Final thoughts

As you journey through the intricate world of crosswords, may the divine knowledge of Roman gods be your guiding star. We hope this comprehensive guide has illuminated your path and provided the solution you sought.

Wishing you all the luck in your future crossword endeavors, and may the gods of ancient Rome watch over your every clue!

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